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Code of Conduct

It's important that our events are inclusive, safe & welcoming events for friends & families to enjoy. We encourage attendees to report any anti-social behaviour to a member of our team. Any reports of discrimination, harassment, bullying, substance abuse or misogynistic behaviour will be taken very seriously, and may result in denied access to future events.

Any questions, email

 Campsite Etiquette

Lambourne End Centre kindly share their space with us, and so it's important that we respect the land, facilities & neighbours. Read the Code of Conduct below to understand what is expected of you.

Please follow all instructions given by staff. 

Cabin area and toilet block are to be left as found (including washing up). If you use the hob/oven, make sure it is turned off after use. Take caution when using showers as they get hot very quickly. No access to adventure or farm/livestock areas. You must bring your own food & camping gear and ensure no tent pegs or other equipment are left behind upon leaving the site.

Speed limit is 10mph. Look out for children & animals. Follow all traffic control signs (e.g. cones & barriers) and do not remove. If the ground is wet, no vehicles will be allowed on the grass areas.

Campers over 18 must bring a signed Waiver. Campers between 16-18 must bring a signed Under 18’s Camping Waiver, and campers under 16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

All rubbish to be cleared from site and put in the correct bins (e.g. recycling, glass, general). Do not throw cans, bottles, or any other rubbish into the fire.

Wood will be supplied for a campfire. Do not use any other wood found on the site. Do not make separate bonfires. Keep small children away from the fire.

Any accidental damage must be reported to a member of staff within a reasonable time-frame, with as much detail about the incident as possible.

There will be live music performances in the cabin until 11pm. This can get rather loud, so please keep a safe distance from the speakers, and bring ear plugs if you have sensitive hearing. Noise to be kept to a low level after 11pm for the benefit of other site users & neighbours.

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